Saturday, August 2, 2008

Azusa Revisited

This blog has not been active for nearly two months! I apologize to my regular readers and those who signed up on Posts (Atom) - at the bottom of this blog - to receive notices of each new post.
I have been overwhelmed by happenings at our church and waiting for God’s direction.

We had a revival - a true reVIVEal a few short weeks ago.
The visiting evangelist, who shall remain nameless and faceless to protect his entry to every tribe and nation and tongue,
compared this capsule of time and place to the Azusa Street phenonoma of the last turn of the century.
That was just a few years from just a certain spot.
This - this move of God - is happening from all little spots in the world on the earth.
People saying “We are a light. We shine from here” - but it will reach all over the globe.

On the second night the preacher’s beautiful, vibrant wife proclaimed - “Prayers are going up from all around the earth. Prayers rising to the heavens, collecting like vapor, like clouds. Clouds of praise that will brim over in rain - the latter rain that whole earth has been waiting and groaning for.” It was awakening. . .enlightening. . . .

Is your church one of the little spots of light reaching around the world?

Please share your church news - the good news - here.

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