Saturday, March 15, 2008

"Media Revolution"

I will tell you about my spiritual background and about the good teaching I have been absorbing for years some other time But first I need to explain the tipping point that is compelling me to go forth with public writing.
My first post will be from a source I just happened across (I love when God does that), from a book entitled "Media Revolution." It was written by Brian Fisher, who is the president and CEO of Coral Ridge Ministries. You have probably heard of Dr. James Kennedy with his "Truths that Transform" television and radio programs. I'm not a follower of Kennedy, but happened to catch Fisher giving some statistics and facts on the show.
Fisher reported on a survey taken of the top guys in the media. I don't know for sure, but I think he was talking about television personnel mostly. Here are the facts:
Forty-five percent of people in the media are professed atheists or agnostic,
a sharp contrast to only nine percent of the general public.
An amazing 89 percent of the media never attend church, in contrast to 25 percent of the general public.
Can you believe that only six percent of the folks behind all the stuff on TV say that they attend church weekly? I can. That's far less than the general public at 42 percent.
It is a sad fact that 94 percent of media people say they think that abortion on demand should remain legal. Generally 51 percent would say the same. That is sad too. God help us.
But it is up to us. (That will be backed with scripture the next time I post.) For now, I'd like to quote from Coral Ridge Ministries about "Media Revolution:

"Technology has opened up the world of media influence in a historically pivotal way. The democratization of media now gives anyone who desires the opportunity to share truth with those captivated by lies and deception. The time of secular media domination has ended."
I desire the opportunity to share the truth. For those who have ears to hear. . .
Until next time,